
**Update**: Collection is the library for work with crud against an Angular 12 app.




Update: Collection is the library for work with crud against an Angular 12 app.

  • Collection class contain all method for work with list of items (load, create, update, delete, deleteMany).
  • Item class contain all method for work with single item (load, create, update, delete).


npm i collection


import { Collection } from 'collection'<br>

Collection Methods

TypeRequired ParamsDescription
reload()methodno paramssend GET request and return response
search()methodOptional, default: 300send GET request and cancel previous request
createItem({ data })methodOptional, default: {}send POST request with data for save
updateItem()methodOptional, default: 'query'a string value which is used a query parameter in the url. Ex: http://localhost:3000/countries?query='c
deleteItem()methodOptional, default: 'get'the http/jsonp method to be used.
selectAll()methodOptional, default: 'http'http or jsonp method types.
unSelectAll()methodOptionala string value for the callback query parameter.
selectItem()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
setParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
getParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
clearParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
getRouteParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
setRouteParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
clearRouteParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
clear()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search

import { Item } from 'collection'

Item Methods

load()stringYESthe url of a remote server that supports http/jsonp calls.
createItem()objectOptional, default: {}{ key: string, value: any} object as additional parameters
updateItem()stringOptional, default: 'query'a string value which is used a query parameter in the url. Ex: http://localhost:3000/countries?query='c
deleteItem()stringOptional, default: 'get'the http/jsonp method to be used.
setParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
getParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
clearParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
getRouteParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
setRouteParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
clearRouteParams()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search
clear()booleanOptional, default: trueif true, it allows empty strings to pass and invoke search

import { CrudService } from 'collection'

CrudService Methods

createEntity()stringYESthe url of a remote server that supports http/jsonp calls.
createGetEntity()objectOptional, default: {}{ key: string, value: any} object as additional parameters
createPostEntity()stringOptional, default: 'query'a string value which is used a query parameter in the url. Ex: http://localhost:3000/countries?query='c
createUpdateEntity()stringOptional, default: 'get'the http/jsonp method to be used.
createDeleteEntity()stringOptional, default: 'get'the http/jsonp method to be used.
createDeleteManyEntity()stringOptional, default: 'get'the http/jsonp method to be used.


selector: 'app-component',
templateUrl: ['./app.component.html'],
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private _crud: CrudService) {
      // Set your backend api url
    this._crud.apiUrl = 'apiUrl';
  1. Use the Collection in your component.
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { 
} from 'collection';

  selector: 'projects-list',
  templateUrl: ['./projects-list.component.html'],
  styleUrls: ['./projects-list.component.css']
export class ProjectsListComponent implements OnInit {

  collection: CollectionModel;
  getAll() {
    this.collection.reload().subscribe( res => {
      // Send GET request into path '/projects' with default query params 
      // per_page, page, search_query
    For set query params use collection.setParams(key, value),
      .setParams('page', 2)
      .setParams('search_query', '1234')
  create(data) {
    this.collection.createItem({ data }).subscribe( res => {
      // Send POST request into path '/projects' with data;

  update(data) {
    this.collection.updateItem({ id:, data }).subscribe( res => {
      // Send PUT request into path '/projects/:id' with data;

  delete(id) {
    this.collection.deleteItem({ id }).subscribe( res => {
      // Send DELETE request into path '/projects/:id';

  deleteMany(idsArray) {
    this.collection.deleteMany({ ids: idsArray }).subscribe( res => {
      // Send DELETE request into path '/projects' with body data ids: [...idsArray];

  ngOnInit() {;

  constructor(private _crud: CrudService) {
    this.collection = new Collection({
      api: this._crud.createEntity({ name: 'projects' }),
      params: {
        page: 1,
        per_page: 15,
        search_quesry: 'Project Name'

// projects-list.component.html

<section class="projects-wrapper">
  <ng-container *ngFor="let project of collection.items$ | async">
    <div class="project-item">
      {{ project?.name }}
  <ng-container *ngIf="collection.loading$ | async">

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